The adventures of a wheel in the land of Attica. The wheel is unexpectedly deorbited and meanders autonomously in diverse places.
Shots of Athens, accompanied by comments on cit...
A water wheel is shown in operation.
Short film designed to accompany the song "The Spinning Wheel" by Delia Murphy. It depicts a young woman escaping her grandmother's croft to be with her lover.
The red daisy is the logo of a pharmaceutical company where the film’s hero, Alekos (Kostas Voutsas), works. Alekos decides to quit his job so as not to be held responsible for the crisis that the b...
The Higher Invention Committee studies the cannon wheel invented by Captain Cordier, on muddy ground.
A world-famous magician is expected to perform in Athens, but at the last minute something comes up, and he is unable to make it. But work is work and somebody has to do it. Filippos, a young, unemplo...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Footage inside the Fullwood Foundry, Hamilton as metal mouldings are made - presumably making the new waterwheel as seen in the following part of the film. A new waterwheel is inaugurated at Newbattl...
Lilka (Zdena Kavková) stojí v jedoucím autě. Za ní je vidět silnice a les.
nohy hrnčíře roztáčí hrnčířský kruh
tvarování nádoby na zatáčecím kruhu