Torrent de Pareis (part 1)
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Torrent de Pareis (part 1)
Lajityyppi: Amateur film
Vuosi: 1977
Kesto: 00:09:42
Kuvaus: Documentary about an excursion to Torrent de Pareis with poems by Miquel Costa i Llobera. It shows the landscape and cultural environment of the stream (Lluc Monastery, Puig Roig, Entreforc, Sant Pere d'Escorca). A group of hikers descend to the stream and, in the background, follow the course to the Calobra passing in front of sa Fosca.
Avainsanat: Miquel Costa i Llobera (poet) / Majorca / Torrent de Pareis / Lluc / Puig Roig / Entreforc / Sant Pere d’Escorca / Escorca / Sa Calobra / Sa Fosca / Serra de Tramuntana / excursion / torrent / poem / monastery / hiker / stream
Sisältölähde: Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Gabriel Mayans
Väri: Colour
Ohjaaja: Gabriel Mayans
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Films Gabriel Mayans
Language: ca