The technique of electronic animation is used in this allegorical film, where photographs are filmed in monochrome. Based loosely on Don Quixote, the film takes us on a poetical tour around the worldw...
A film about humans’ need to surpass themselves. This is presented as an attempt to build a city for all humans, including Daedalus’ path in myth and reality, and the birth, rise and fall of Weste...
A visual and poetic study on the theme of lust, featuring the sexual relationship between an actress and a poet.
Christ, who is resurrected, roams in a nightmarish world pervaded by human decline and degradation. Man seeks only the accumulation of wealth. And through this gloomy scene one searches for some kind ...
This is an experimental film without actors. The bird of sorrow experiences the taste of a tear for the first time and decides to forsake its painting (Landscape with yellow birds by Paul Klee), where...
A poetic allegory showing the end of a poet who suffers from a kind of psychological illness. Just before he dies, he directs a performance of the Passion of Christ. A religious nurse supports him in ...