Egyéb cím(ek): ESPANYA AL DIA
Műfaj: Newsreel
Év: 1938
Leírás: Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. The opening of the 'Parvulari Forestier', a new nursery school in Barcelona. Attended by the Mayor of Barcelona, Hilari Salvadó, Minister-Councillor of Culture, Víctor Colomer, ministers Joan Cordomí, Dolors Piera, Pere Vinyals and Jaume Aragó, Mr Casademunt and Manuel Cordero. Representatives of the UK Labour Party and the Belgian Socialist Committee of Liege are also present. A sign reads: 'Forestier Nursery School. Building owned by the Barcelona City Council.'
Kulcsszavak: berenars; parvulari; inauguració escoles; actes oficials; ajut humanitari internacional; Salvadó Castell, Hilari; Colomer, Victor; Cordero Pérez, Manuel; Cordomí i Pujolar, Joan; Aragó i Garcia, Jaume; Piera i Llobera, Dolors; Vinyals i Piquer, Pere / Parvulari Forestier (Montjuïc) / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. News bulletin compilations; Propaganda film; children; tea time; nursery school; opening of schools; official events; international humanitarian aid; Spanish Civil War;
Szolgáltató: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Jogok: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Gyártó: Laya Films
Szín: Black & White
Sound: With sound
A dokument típusa:
Gyűjtemény: Laya Films
Language: ca