Andere titel(s): ESPAÑA AL DÍA
Genre: Newsreel
Jaar: 1937
Beschrijving: ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], the Laya Films and Film Popular newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following reports: 1. VALENCIA. HUMOROUS EXHIBITION Exhibition of 'Ninot' effigies for the Valencian 'Falles' celebrations made to resemble political figures as part of a fundraising event for the rebuilding of the ship Komsomol. It shows the entrance to the exhibition and the effigies there with a placard saying 'Pro-Komsomol. Antifascist Exhibition. [...] See the 'Ninot' fascists.' Images of various 'Ninots' inside the exhibition: Francisco Franco, General of the Nationalist Army is depicted as Baby Jesus in a nativity scene with the Kings holding the emblems representing Morocco, the Nazi Party and the Italian fascists; Non-intervention Committee members are depicted as a group of characters who are hiding weapons; two Nazi officers are depicted as dogs in front of a bone that has 'Madrid' written on it. 2. ARAGON. BICYCLE RACE ON THE 14TH APRIL Images of cyclists at the start line of the Aragon-Barcelona Front race held to mark 14th April. After passing through a number of towns, they reach the finish line in Barcelona. 3. CASTELLON. EXPORT OF ORANGES Images of an orange sorting plant in Castellon de la Plana. Workers sort and pack the fruit into crates. The crates are then loaded onto a boat in the port, which then rows them to a ship called Bodin, where there are loaded by crane into the ship's hold. Image of ships in the port. 4. SANTA POLA. MANUFACTURE OF SALT Workers at the salt lakes load the salt, in large piles, onto wagons pulled by mules. The salt is pressed, loaded again onto the wagons and taken to the port. 5. VALENCIA. SOME ITALIAN PRISONERS Images of a group of Italian prisoners singing and dancing in the courtyard of a building, playing music on improvised instruments and clapping. Live sound. 6. CASPE - (ARAGON). TROOPS LEAVING FOR THE FRONT Showing a triumphant atmosphere as crowds of people cheer the volunteers as they leave for the front. The new recruits leave in trucks, without uniforms or weapons. The narrator notes that current volunteers head off full of optimism. 7. BARCELONA. ON BOARD THE 'JAIME I' Images of the battleship Jaume I , anchored in the port of Barcelona. The crew gather in groups between the cannons and salute the camera with raised fists. Demonstration of the way the anti-aircraft guns on board the ship move. 8. GUADALAJARA. THE ANTI-AIRCRAFT BATTLE Images showing anti-aircraft artillery firing exercises. 9. MADRID. GENERAL MIAJA SPEAKS War Minister, José Miaja, arrives at the Provincial Congress meeting for the Spanish Communist Party, Partit Comunista Espanyol (PCE), giving a short speech and raising his fist in salute to the cheering crowd. We hear the speech live: ‘Comrades. Having been invited by the Party's Central Committee to preside over this assembly, I come here, on a brief visit, to salute you. There is little time as I must leave to assume command of my post, from where I will continue to direct military operations which, I'm pleased to report, are progressing along the fronts around our capital and which, as always, our Popular Front, undertake with courage in their hearts, and a determination to free, at the earliest possible moment, this heroic city of Madrid, from the criminal nightmare of the bombings to which the people of Madrid are so frequently subjected. Bless you all! Long live the Republic!’
Trefwoorden: ninots de falles; curses ciclistes; taronges; comerç marítim; salines; extracció de minerals; presoners; música en viu; voluntaris; infanteria marina; vaixells de guerra; defenses antiaèries; discursos polítics; Front d'Aragó; Miaja Menant, José / Aragó; Barcelona (ciutat); Ciutadella, parc de la (Barcelona); Castelló de la Plana (ciutat); Santa Pola; València (ciutat); Casp; Saragossa; Barcelona, port de; Guadalajara; Madrid (ciutat) / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. Original newsreels; Propaganda film; critical caricatures; Ninot' effigies for Valencia's 'Falles' celebrations; cycling races; oranges; maritime commerce; saltworks; mineral extraction; prisoners; live music;
Provider: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Rechten: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Productiemaatschappij: Film Popular
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type document :
Collectie: Laya Films
Language: en