An anarchic-surrealistic film which begins with the decision of a young man to continue the trade of his late father and makes a series of caustic references to modern social reality in the Greek coun...
A film based on entries in a diary, 111 days in the ESA (Greek Military Police), by officer Anastasios Minis and on the book Human-Guards by Periklis Korovesis. The time is 1972, and a retired officer...
A dutiful and honest journalist named Verina (a name of Latin origin that refers to the word truth) passionately wants to contribute, as much as possible, to righting the wrongs and the injustices of ...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) returns to Greece from Germany, smuggled in a refrigerator truck. This adventure sees him arrive in Athens not only frozen, but as the new advertising slogan of the refrige...