Two brotherly friends, Fotis and Kosmas (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos), are partners in a nightclub. Their main anxiety revolves around marrying off their sisters (Kaiti Gogou and Sofi Lamp...
A rich layabout, Faidon (Giorgos Pantzas), who is engaged to a girl (Clairi Deligianni) protests that he’s “never gone without”. When a couple (Eleni Anousaki and Giorgos Konstantinou) go to sta...
A woman is on trial for her husband’s murder and must prove her innocence.
An artist is spending his holidays on a Greek island with his young wife and his daughter from his first wedding. A love affair develops between the two young women, but the daughter seduces a married...
During World War II in occupied Greece, a doctor (Vasilis Mitsakis) takes care of a wounded Austrian officer (Christos Politis), whose detail was wiped out in a surprise attack by the resistance fight...
Two clumsy and naive friends ( Fragkiskos Manellis and Thanasis Vengos ) are having a hard time holding down a job, but they succeed in helping their boss (Nikos Xanthopoulos) to marry the woman he lo...
Brave Vangeli (Katia Dandoulaki) informs the people in Souli that Ali Pasha (Fernando Sancho) is planning to attack them and occupy their town. His attack, however, fails due to the brave resistance o...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is an honest working man who has to support his sister’s family as well, as Maria’s husband is only interested in football. Thanasis is in love with Juliet (Aimilia Ypsi...