A young man who has left school joins a group of hooligans who are fans of Olympiakos soccer team, and soon his entire life revolves round that group. In a violent clash with the fans of AEK, the youn...
An advertiser (Stavros Paravas) tries to solve his financial problems by using his talent. He pretends he is the illegitimate son of an Italian businessman (Giannis Michalopoulos) who had him when he ...
This is an adaptation of the comedy by Aristophanes. In ancient Athens, the men are absorbed by the war with Sparta and neglect their wives and their homes. Fed up with this situation, the women decid...
During the rule of King Otto, the beautiful daughter (Eleni Erimou) of a local lord (Thodoros Moridis) is kidnapped. Her fiancé (Lefteris Vournas) tries to find the criminals, but to no avail. The gi...