Death Is My Trade Based on a novel by Rudolf Höß, the film tells the fictional story of Franz Lang, the notorious commander of the German concentration camp Auschwitz. Already while he was a so...
Docudrama about the painter and resident of the artists' colony in Worpswede, Heinrich Vogeler, a celebrated representative of Art Nouveau movement in Germany. Despite his success, massive self-doubt ...
Vision: From the Life of Hildegard Von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) is one of the most famous mystics of the German middle ages. In her movie Margarethe von Trotta portraits the life of thi...
Vision: From the Life of Hildegard Von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) is one of the most famous mystics of the German middle ages. In her movie Margarethe von Trotta portraits the life of thi...
Italian-born Rosario Russo lives with his German wife Renate and their nine-year-old son Matthias near Wiesbaden, Germany. As the owner of a small hotel and a restaurant, Rosario has built a respectab...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Infamous National Socialist propaganda film, whose plot centers on the ideological conversion of a working-class family: Communist yo...
"A love story, not only, it probably revolves around passion, but also around dear money." - (Lovers); "In 1950, 340 - 350,000 apartments were completed, in them can accommodate 1.5 million residents,...
Seitdem er kurz vor dem Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs aus Deutschland geflüchtet ist, lebt der Jude Jacobo Kaplan in Montevideo, der Hauptstadt Uruguays. Wie viele andere europäische Juden, die vor ...
Hans Korte in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Götz George, Hans Korte (from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Götz George, Hans Korte (from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Götz George, Hans Korte (in the back, from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Claus-Dieter Reents, Walter Czaschke, Götze George (from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Peter Franke, Götz George (from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Matthias Fuchs, Elisabeth Schwarz, Götz George (from left to right) in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)
Evelyn Matzura, Kai Taschner in "Aus einem deutschen Leben" (1976/77)