A woman (Sapfo Notara) wins a fortune in the football pools and with this money helps her son become a film director. In addition, she makes her dream come true: becomes a movie star herself.
An eccentric and somewhat crazy astrophysics professor, aided by his assistant and a fan of science fiction, engineers the launching of the first manned rocket into space. It is the first and only fil...
The robber Tsakitzis (Andreas Barkoulis) is wrongly accused of murdering a rich Christian in the territory governed by a bloodthirsty Pasha (Stefanos Stratigos). The young man flees to the mountains,...
An advertiser (Stavros Paravas) tries to solve his financial problems by using his talent. He pretends he is the illegitimate son of an Italian businessman (Giannis Michalopoulos) who had him when he ...
An active building contractor (Marika Krevata) hires an unsuccessful private detective, Pantelis (Stavros Paravas). His mission is to sabotage her competitor, Bastounas (Dimitris Nikolaïdis), who is ...