The film is set in Athens in 1964. Nikos Avgeris is a reporter assigned to cover a suspicious car accident that cost the life of a top-ranking government official. He finds out from his inquiries that...
A businessman, Sotiris Karelis (Alekos Alexandrakis) approaches the twice-widowed piano teacher, Ms. Antzolina (Rena Vlachopoulou), about buying her mansion in order to convert it to a hotel. At the s...
A hale and hearty fifty-year-old, Ntinos Diamantis (Lampros Konstantaras), lives with his sister and pursues every attractive woman he encounters. When he meets twenty-year-old Korina (Nora Valsami) a...
Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou) is working hard to support herself and her two lazy brothers (Chronis Exarchakos and Vangelis Seilinos). They all go to Rhodes, where Rena works as a successful fortune teller...
Aliki and Kostas meet one summer on the island of Poros, where they have gone on a trip, each one with their friends. The one is charmed by the other and agree to meet again, but the date they arrange...
Iro Konstantopoulou was thirteen years old when the Germans invaded Greece. Despite her age, however, she got involved with the resistance. When she was arrested for the first time, her rich father ma...
A young literature teacher is appointed to a school in a distant mountain village in the Peloponnese. Myrtaios, the previous, now-deceased teacher, has left behind the reputation of being a great writ...
The film is based on a true incident. In the year 1953, in a tobacco-growing village in Macedonia, a strange murder is committed. During the court hearing, it is evident, from the testimonies of the w...
Dimitris Imellos, Thanasis Papageorgiou (left to right) in "Der Hochzeitsschneider von Athen" (2020)