Fantasy movie based on an old folk tale. 16-year-old Prince Theo has a problem: He is too small and too weak for his age – at least in the eyes of his father King Dietrich, who only deems a strong w...
Gregor Bloéb (on the right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Rufus Beck, Florian Burgkart (from left to right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Katharina Stark (second on the left), Florian Burgkart (third on the left), Volker Michalowski (on the right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Luise Deschauer, Katharina Stark (front, from left to right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Gregor Bloéb (front, third on the left) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Rufus Beck in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Florian Burgkart, Volker Michalowski (from left to right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Florian Burgkart in "König Laurin" (2015/16)