The film adaptation for the modern era of the ancient tragedy The Bacchae. Pentheus is celebrating his birthday, and surreal scenes unfold before his eyes, arousing doubts in the celebrant as to wheth...
A middle-aged philandering actor, Thanasis Pallas, is separated from his wife and sees his fifteen-year-old son Antonis every Saturday. The previous day, he was in Crete for a University lecture and...
In 1897, a prostitute from Marseilles, Roza Vonaparte (Marina Vlanty) arrives in Chania, which was in the process of rising up against the Turks in order to reunite with Greece. She brings with her a ...
The poster depicts a girl, naked down to her waist (Varvara Mavromati), wearing a white mask. At the upper part of the image, the title of the film reads: BORDELLO. At the bottom of the image: “A Gr...