The young orphan Aliki is entrusted by her grandfather to the care of a wealthy childless couple. Several years later, Aliki falls in love with the waiter at a nightclub, who is also a medical student...
A gang of pimps with Athens as their center of operations, exploits young girls and sells them to countries inthe Middle East. A seductive policewoman penetrates the network and arrests the perpetrat...
A police officer (Pantelis Zervos) takes on the challenge of uncovering a gang of youths accused of theft, dealing in pornography and even murder.
It is the third film in a row of the genre that much later on was called “fustanella (Greek kilt)”, following "Gkolfo" by Bachatoris (1914) and "Astero" by Gaziadis (1929). It is based on the succ...
Aliki, granddaughter of a destitute fisherman, captain Kostis, meets one day at the beach an unscrupulous bad guy, Papoulas, who tries to rape her, but she is saved by a young man who accompanies him,...
A married couple breaks up due to the pressure of adverse social conditions. The only way out for the man (Kostas Kakkavas) is to go abroad in search of work, even though he will be separated from his...
A rather improvised wandering through the night-life of Athens, in which a series of sketches, written by the master of vaudeville Mimis Fragkioudakis, are performed by well-known actors and singers o...
A lawyer, who loses both his wife and his eyesight in a car accident, is tormented by guilt, blaming himself for this great tragedy. A young female lawyer (Thaleia Papazoglou) tries to help him and le...