Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. The opening of the 'Parvulari Forestier', a new nursery school in Barcelona. Attended by the Mayor of Barcelona, Hilari Salvadó, Minister...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Basque President, José Antonio Aguirre, and former Justice Minister, Manuel Irujo, accompanied by doctors and health service personnel, t...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Images of farmers harvesting potatoes and collecting them in baskets and paper sacks. The narrator sets out the priorities for their consu...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Transmissions group carry out training exercises for the laying of telephone lines. The narrator notes that these training courses are und...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Soldiers and civilians inspect the wreckage of a tri-engine bomber shot down by the Republican air force. The narrator points out that non...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Construction of protection measures for the Gothic columns of the Palau de la Generalitat government building. Temporary walls under const...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. In a moment of calm at the front in Tajo, the soldiers of the Popular Army rest and prepare their weapons before the next battle.
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. The sound of fighting can be heard. Images of light tanks, artillery fire and fighting in the open field at Fuentes de Ebro.