Scandinavian graphic art at Kunsthalle Helsinki. Polar bear cubs in West Germany. Puerto Rican industry and festivities. Upper secondary school students celebrate their final day of school prior to th...
Inauguration of the Saarijärvi Forestry School. Works of art donated for the benefit of young artists in the Government Palace. Finnish Boxing Championships. Parliament on skis in Santahamina, Helsin...
President Paasikivi is sworn in; congratulations in the Presidential Palace. Floating postal van on the Vaasa–Raippaluoto–Björkö route. Puijo ski competition. Aura harness races. Ice-racing at t...
The Polytech Choir returns to Helsinki Malmi Airport. Nobel laureate Ralph Bunche (1904-1971) in Helsinki (Helsinki Malmi Airport, Savoy restaurant). Christmas greeting. Hurricane in the USA. Aircraft...
Adults sit their matriculation examination at the Old Student House. Fashion show at Hotel Torni in Helsinki. Ice swimmers in Hummallahti Bay, Helsinki. Pan American Olympic Games. Bobsleigh competiti...
Spring Fair opening. Visiting Comédie-Française actors at a reception at the National Theatre in Helsinki (among the guests President Paasikivi and Prime Minister Kekkonen). Basketball match: Harlem...
Floods in Pori. Retailers’ international poster exhibition at the Helsinki School of Economics. International weightlifting competition at the Helsinki Exhibition Hall. Eleventh boxing championships...
May Day in Helsinki: workers’ and university students’ processions, students’ festivities in Ullanlinna. Davis Cup tennis match, Finland v. Brazil, in Munkkiniemi, Helsinki. 25th anniversary exh...