Jane Eyre, an orphan girl (Christina Sylva) is employed to teach the young daughter of a wealthy man (Manos Katrakos). A romance blossoms between the two, but their love is made impossible by the pres...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is called upon, during the Occupation, to testify at the trial of a taverna owner accused of serving cat meat to his customers. He too is accused of perjury and imprisoned w...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is an honest working man who has to support his sister’s family as well, as Maria’s husband is only interested in football. Thanasis is in love with Juliet (Aimilia Ypsi...
Clumsy secret agent Thou-Vou graduates at last, but due to a general recession in the trade, he is forced to open a mobile secret agent’s enterprise together with his colleague, MAP31. Their first c...