The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Der Reigen" was digitized by DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filme...
Mischung aus Reisereportage und Dokumentarfilm: Die Filmemacherin Silke Schranz und der Filmemacher Christian Wüstenberg fuhren in einem Wohnmobil quer durch das südliche Afrika. Die Reise dauerte z...
Basierend auf dem 2009 erschienenen Bestseller gleichen Titels von Daniel Kehlmann erzählt der Film von sechs Protagonisten, deren tragische oder komische Geschichten unterschiedlicher nicht sein kö...
Parade with groups of children and floats. Young people watching the show. Children playing soccer.
Children and bands at a pageant of floats. Children and young people at shows.
Very loose adaptation of Arthur Schitzler's "La Ronde": The dating app "Safari" brings together all sorts of different people in Munich. Some of them are just looking for meaningless sex, while others...
Sex, Pity and Loneliness Adaptation of the eponymous novel by Helmut Krausser. The story focuses on an assorted group of urbanites, who all have to cope with different romantic problems. There's retir...
German movie poster of "Reigen" (1973)
Asta Nielsen, Conrad Veidt
Still from "Der Reigen"